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1Frustration Empty Frustration Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:25 am



OOC: Phenom doubted my ability to meet the deadline. Let's see, shall we.

OOC 2: Oh yeah, one minute to spare!

OOC 3: Dammit! The forum clock seemed to turn before my PC clock did. And I forgot to colour the text.

The shot opens on Backstage Interviewer, Pandora, making her way through the long and winding tunnels that make up the basement level of the ATW Industrial Arena. Off in the distance, a great deal of grunting, groaning and the sound of flesh against hard wood can be heard. Some moments later, she arrives at her destination, Adam Nedman's training room. She enters to find Nedman in his usual training garb, long shorts and taped up hands and feet, knocking seven shades out of a new sparring dummy, the previous one lying shattered all over the floor.
He stops sparring, grabs a towel to wipe himself down, then looks over to Pandora.
Nedman: Is it?
Pandora: You're Scottish, aren't you? I'd have thought that celebrating Hogmanay would have lifted your spirits considering how much of a sad panda you were the last time we saw you at Freedom or Fire II.
Nedman: I never really cared much for Hogmanay or New Year. Why should the changing of one digit under a calendar arbitrarily set up by a dude in a dress and a big hat 500 years ago make the slightest bit of difference? One year is just as crappy as any other.
Pandora: You are such a Grumpy Gus.
Nedman: Understandably. How is it possible that I didn't have a match on the biggest Pay Per View of the year? It's almost as if the GM doesn't have a clue what's going on in his own federation.
Pandora: I wouldn't say so. In fact, I would say Phenom the Vampire Lord knows exactly how you feel.
Nedman: How so?
Pandora: Your match tonight is against his minion, Hida Kozan.
Nedman: Hida Kozan. The guy with the goat. The man who interfered in my match with Raven Wolf at Heaven Shall Burn. Maybe this year is looking better after all.
Envigorated, he tosses the towel away, tears the tape off his hands and feet then begins to step out of his shorts. The camera quickly turns to Pandora, her eyes and mouth wide open before the shot fades to black.

Last edited by Nedman on Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:07 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Frustration Empty Re: Frustration Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:02 am

Phenom The Vampire Lord

Phenom The Vampire Lord


3Frustration Empty Re: Frustration Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:12 pm

Phenom The Vampire Lord

Phenom The Vampire Lord


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