Archetype Wrestling

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Archetype Wrestling
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The Fantasy based wrestling federation of TWG

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1Reflection Empty Reflection Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:33 pm



Axel sits alone in his empty locker room remembering the many moments that happened last season.
Axel: So, Hida Kozan is our ReEvolution Champion? Hack3r is the new World Champion and Travis "won" the Demanufacture Championship. Who will be the owner of Archtype Wrestling when this seasons concludes? So many questions so little answers.
Axel looks down slowly and mentions
Axel: But one answer I would love to hear is why am I being assaulted? I'm a target. We all know this we all have seen this. Why? I must be in your grand scheme of something.
Axel lifts his head.
Axel: My questions now are who are you? and what do you want? I'd clearly love to meet you face to... hood?
Axel rises from the bench and looks around the locker room.
Axel: I can't do that can I? Oh no, you have to have two clowns do your dirty work. You don't even begin the damage you've cause me. I had a minor concussion but other than that they think I might have minor schizophrenia.
How stupid is that?

Axel looks around and swats the air.
Axel: Stupid flies, I don't need this right now. But where was I? Oh right... I forget.
Axel laughs manically and gets close to the camera.
Axel: When I find you hooded clowns you'll be the ones with schizophrenia. You'll be looking around the corner every minute questioning "Where is Axel?" and trust me, I will be EVERYWHERE! Even when you sleep, on your TV, in your heads, your grocery stores, your music, your movies, your... Well you get the point, EVERYWHERE!!
Axel lets out one more maniacal laugh before the camera fades away.

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