Archetype Wrestling

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Archetype Wrestling
Archetype Wrestling
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The Fantasy based wrestling federation of TWG

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The shadow dance(done)

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1The shadow dance(done) Empty The shadow dance(done) Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:22 am



The camera goes to an abandoned area in the back of the arena. Its dimly lit so you can only make out one dark figure. The camera angle is skewed and half cut off by a wall. It's also aimed upwards as if the camera man is crouching. The figure begins to speak and you can tell it's Anthrax.
AnthraX with passion in his voice: We are burning this place to the ground and a new and better federation will come once William is in charge. No longer will we have to deal with politics and tradition. The new federation will be our playground and everything will be for our taking. We will come for you when the time comes. You are the final piece of the puzzle
Girl's voice: When the time comes I will accompany you to your rise to greatness.
The camera man tries to move to get a look at the girl when Anthrax notices him.
Camera Man: It's my job to get what goes on here with film!
Anthrax: Why so you can feed your family?
Camera Man: yyyyes
Anthrax: Well guess what?
Anthrax punches the camera man in the face and the camera fades.
AnthraX: grab that
the camera shows some black heeled boots walk across the ground. the camera rises as as its picked up to show Anthrax's face
Anthrax: This is for all the staff that is lurking around backstage getting into bussiness that they do not belong in
AnthraX walks over to a far wall and opens up a docking bay door that fill the area with light. he then drags the camera man over to the door. He puts the camera mans head in between his legs.
AnthraX: now you can go collect from your insurence and feed your family from your back in a hospital bed
AnthraX lifts the camera man on his shoulders and power bombs him out the docking bay doors. AnthraX motions to the camera to come to him. The camera comes and looks down showing the camera man laying on concrete with a pool of blood around his head
Girls voice: Thats just lovely
The camera shows the parking lot as it is tossed off the docking bay and goes to static

OOC:might be some spelling mistakes cuz my spell check isn't that good!/TheAskeland

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