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Tag Team Talking.

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1Tag Team Talking. Empty Tag Team Talking. Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:39 pm



The scene fades in to show Pandora standing in the interview area. She quickly checks her reflection in a mirror that's apparently off screen then looks directly at the camera.
Pandora: At this time I'd like to welcome my guests, the reigning Demanufacture and World Archetype champions respectively, Travis Touchdown and Hack3r.
The camera changes its angle slightly to allow the two champions to be seen in shot. They are both standing proud with their titles on their shoulders. Pandora looks at the two then raises her microphone to her lips.
Pandora: Thank you for joining me gentlemen.
The two champions nod.
Pandora: I'll just jump straight in here. How are you feeling about your tag match tonight? You're going to be facing Jack Ammo and Era. I must say that it seems both of them have their eyes set on you Travis.

OOC: Over to Travis.

2Tag Team Talking. Empty Re: Tag Team Talking. Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:30 pm

Travis Touchdown

Travis Touchdown

Travis Touchdown: You're right Era and Jack have been giving me some attitude lately. But they're not the only ones that have their eyes set on me. Of course, Jack is going to go after me, he won his championship match and as for Era, she made him her little protégé for some unknown reason. I'm telling you, I'm sure something is going on between them right, RIGHT?!

Travis nudges and winks at Hack3r who laughs in approval.

Travis Touchdown: But you see Pandora, at that moment when I became the new Demanufacture Champion, every wrestler in that locker room had their eyes turned on me. And you know why?

Pandora: Well I guess they want the title.

Travis Touchdown: That's the obvious part of the answer, Pandora. Come on, smarten up a little.

Pandora: I... I'm sorry, I don't see anything else.

Travis Touchdown: I'm dissapointed, Pandora, but I'm not surprised. Let me give you the rest of the answer then. If they want it so bad, it's because they're jealous and angry of the way I got this title. They're jealous of my cleverness. They wished they came up with my ideas and plans, because if they did, they'd be where I am now, holding the Demanufacture championship, accompanied by two other champions by my side. They'd be the strongest person in this business. And that's where I stand today. And we're going to prove it tonight with my friend Hack3r that not only are we champions on our own but also champions together.

3Tag Team Talking. Empty Re: Tag Team Talking. Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:49 pm



Pandora: That's cool and everything but what about if the trio of champions becomes a duo of champions? What happens then? How's that going to be dealt with? Vivica did lose her match the other night. True it wasn't a title match but still.
Hack3r taps Travis on the shoulder motioning for him to step back. He obliges and Hack3r takes his place in front.
Hack3r: Listen up Pandora. I'm not going to lie and say we will be champions forever. Let's be honest. Forever's a lie isn't it?
What I can say however is that all of us would rather die then lose a title. Due to that simple characteristic your situation of having a weak link is never going to occur. That good enough for you?

A smile crosses Pandora's face as she nods.
Pandora: That's fair enough. Let's talk about you though. Your current challenger is Voltzandre. Bear in mind that he was a world champion before you, how do you feel?
Hack3r: About Voltz? He's cool. However, he's not a challenge. I'm a lot more experienced than him, I've been around longer and if I remember rightly he's been a champion once right? That was when he owned this baby right here...
He motions to the gold hanging on his shoulder. Pandora nods.
Hack3r: Let's not forgot how many titles I've owned in this company. I've been a champion numerous times and I've won 3 of the 5 titles available. I repeat ... Voltzandre is not going to be a challenge.
Pandora: You also lost 2 of those titles that you won. We need to remember that ...
Hack3r gives her a dirty look and she swiftly changes the subject.
Pandora: ... You're in that tag match tonight! Any ideas on how you're going to deal with that?
Hack3r: I don't know if you know this, Pandora. But TT and I have been tagging together on the indy circuit for a long time. We're going to do the same thing we do every time we step in to the ring and that's win.
Pandora: I did know that. So are you...
Hack3r: Shh now. We've got to go train.
With that the two champions turn and leave Pandora standing alone in front of the camera. She shrugs to herself then walks off screen in the opposite direction as the camera fades.

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